
Company Legal Entity

The full name of our company is : Lunn Pharmacy Limited trading as Ratho Pharmacy

We trade as a Limited Liability Company (No. SC296036) registered in Scotland

Our principle place of business and correspondence address is : 26 Marchmont Road Edinburgh Midlothian Scotland EH9 1HZ

VAT Registration

Our VAT number is : 875 4645 82

Data Protection

We are registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office as a Data Controller.

Our DP Registration number is : Z9447649

Pharmacy Regulatory Body GPhC

Our Pharmacy and Pharmacists are regulated and registered with the General Pharmaceutical Council Register

You can view our registrations and the rules and regulations we are subject to by using the following links

Pharmacies & Pharmacists

Our Superintendent Pharmacist is :

Andrew Lunn (Reg No : 2056688)

Our Pharmacy Registration details are :

Ratho Pharmacy | 1042769

Contact Lunn Pharmacy Limited

Our contact details can be found on the following link

This website provides information, not medical advice. Medical information can be subject to change therefore information displayed must never be used as an alternative to, or replacement for, advice given by a qualified medical professional.